Exploring the Latest Changes in Land Acquisition Law Due to the Job Creation Law

Exploring the Latest Changes in Land Acquisition Law Due to the Job Creation Law


In the realm of Indonesian land law, revisions to legislation often come under scrutiny, especially when they impact the daily lives of citizens. One of the most recent examples is the amendment to Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development for Public Interest. This revision was triggered by the implementation of the Job Creation Law (UU CK), which has affected various aspects of life, including regulations concerning land.

One of the most significant aspects of this change is the addition of public interest in the land acquisition process. Previously, the law may have been more focused on individual or specific interests, but with this revision, greater attention is given to the broader public interest. This can impact how the land acquisition process is conducted, including compensation processes for landowners.

Furthermore, this revision also includes adjustments to the public consultation process. Previously, public consultations may have only involved parties directly affected by land acquisition. However, with this change, public consultations must also consider input from parties with authority over state land management through management rights and the like. This adds complexity to the public consultation process and requires authorities to consider various interests.

This revision also places greater emphasis on land management aspects, both by relevant Ministries/Agencies and Local Governments. They are more recognized as land managers and users, strengthening their role in the land acquisition process and infrastructure development for public interest.

Thus, changes in the Land Acquisition Law triggered by the Job Creation Law have significant implications for the land acquisition process in Indonesia. This requires in-depth understanding and careful study to comprehend the implications and consequences of these revisions for society and state land management.